If you are a customer, check all that apply as to what you typically are looking for on our site- (check all that apply)

If you have purchased from us in the past, how would you rate the quality of the items you received?

If you have purchased from us in the past, how would you overall rate the quality of your experience?

If you have purchased from us in the past, how would you overall rate the customer service you experienced?

If there was any kind of issue with your order/delay was it resolved in a timely and professional manner?

On a scale of 1-5 how likely would you recommend our site to a friend (1 being the least likely, 5 being the most likely)?

Is there a particular category that we do not sell/offer that you think we should consider or that there is a shortage of?

How often do you look at our arrival sales or presales?

Which 2 categories do you most associate with the name Enchanted Home?

Consider this a "drop box" a place where you can leave a comment, make a suggestion, praise an employee you may and have worked with, offer constructive criticism (we recognize this part of doing business)! This is the only way we get better!