Please check which categories you would most likely visit Enchanted Home for- (check all that apply)

Please check which best applies regarding getting a sneak peek into what's coming in for next season-

When you think of Enchanted Home style, what are a few words that come to mind-

As we look to reorganize The Enchanted Home, if we were to do away with 2 categories, which two would you eliminate?

We have considered a "porcelain club" that one would join for a flat annual fee, they would receive a piece of porcelain once a month and would have access to a year round discount on our porcelain collection, thoughts?

If you have purchased from us in the last 6 months, please tell us your experience (check which best applies)

How likely are you to recommend The Enchanted Home to someone?

Think of this as a suggestion box. Let us know if you think there is something we should be doing better, items that you would like to see us carry, if you want to give a shout out to an employee, anything having to do with The Enchanted Home!